Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spectacular Optical Book One: KID POWER!

Check this! I wrote on Stinky from the Abbott and Costello show for this book: "Spectacular Optical Book One: KID POWER! The 1st edition of Kier-La Janisse's book series of themed film writing anthologies, this time covering cult kid's TV & film, has a brand-new Kickstarter Campaign with perks including tix to Fantasia (Montreal), tix to CineFamily (LA), badges to Fantastic Fest (Austin), Kier-La and Canuxploitation's Paul Corupe programming a festival IN YOUR HOUSE (Toronto), Jacob Two-Two "Child Power!" T-shirts, and a frickin' KENNY skateboard designed by Jay Shaw (Death Waltz album covers). Only $15 to get the KID POWER book with our Indiegogo campaign! We have 30 DAYS starting today! Essays and interviews by me, Paul Corupe, Zack Carlson, Cheryl Singleton, Bret Berg, Owen Williams, Chris Alexander, Robin Bougie, Robert Dayton, Jesse Hawthorne Ficks, Briony Kidd, Alexandra Heller-Nicholas and Craig Martin! Topics from Canada, the US, Australia, the UK and beyond! Everything from ABC Afterschool Specials to horror-kid Nicoletta Elmi!"

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